Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18th offerings

Love is an attribute of God wanting nothing
repentance is an attribute of man, it is a worm
to Love's dragon, absurd in Love's presence.
Love for anything but Him is unreal
for that which is not Him is a gilded object
shining outside yet empty inside,
light and golden on the outside yet dark within.
The moment divine light disappears
darkness is revealed and unreal love
is extinguished like a candle,
the body is discarded and beauty returns to its source.
The moonlight goes back to the moon
and its reflection disappears from the black wall.
Divine Love is the Sun of Perfection
the Divine Word is its Light
and the creatures are its shadow.

You have been caught in the claws of a lion
my friend, do not look for happiness.
Only harshness can defeat the hidden enemy inside you.
A man beating a rug with a stick does not
aim at the rug but at the dust inside it.
Your ego is covered with many dusty veils
you cannot remove them at once.
With each blow, little by little
they will disappear from the face of your heart.
But do not try to escape into sleep
the Beloved's sharp claws will chase you in your dreams.
A carpenter does not carve a piece of wood out of cruelty
but in order to create a beautiful shape.
The harsh hand of the Beloved is a blessing, my friend,
it will refine you and make you pure in the end.

The lover's concern is passion and madness
the charming game the Beloved plays is aloof detachment.
Learn the dance of light from the atoms
learn to jump into the fire like the moth.
Learn to charge like a lion, not sneak like a fox.
Learn to soar like a falcon, not flutter
from flower to flower like a butterfly.
Spring water tastes sweet but is incomparable
to the majesty of the ocean.
Your being is the cup that holds all secrets
do not let them leak through your eyes and ears.

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