Friday, January 4, 2019

Srila Prabhupada

A. C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada

"We don't learn in 5 minutes, 10 minutes. It requires time."

Q: And can we really undo the karma of all our past lives in this one life? 

A: "It takes one minute"

"What Krishna says to do?" ...quoting the Gita...
Full surrender; then you come to me without any doubt.
Everything is there. Krishna has given everything fully.
If we accept it, it is very simple. There is no difficulty."

"A diseased man if he doesn't care for medicine, he dies, he suffers, that's all."

Lyrics: "When I see his love I know
I have a long, long way to go
When will I taste the love he is feeling inside?"

The following text en rose is taken from a blog I stumbled onto called The Door Ajar to Vraja, and is dated February 3, 2018: In the imaginary scene of the poem Krishna is speaking confidentially to a friend sometime after Kurukshetra, in a mixture of reminiscences and emotions, from Dwarka, to the rasa dance, to the meeting in Kurukshetra. In doing so Krishna reveals the secret depths of his love. Krishna never puts his devotees through something which He does not take also upon Himself.

SD 32.21 "Even when I removed Myself from your sight by suddenly disappearing,
I never stopped loving you."

GC 23.39 "O dearest Gopis! The first separation has been most difficult for me."

My solitude nestled
in the recesses of the night,
and like shadows that come forth
with brighter light,
its agony too appeared,
by moonlit memories
of their love for Me.

With the ardent desire
for a tidal wave
of this ocean of their love and my love,
to flood the hearts and the stars,
I disappeared,
causing their lamentation,
and thirstily I drank from the same (1)
chalice of longing emotions
welling up from purest love.

Spying unseen
upon their absorption and tribulation
while they searched for Me,
with breathless glances,
in incessant meditation
unwavering, on Me only,
I also endured separation, (2)
and could wait no more
for their embraces (3)
as the tears of love,
furrowing their faces,
were gushing like ecstatic rivers
of their sweetest love.

And impatient,
covetous of the mellows
flourishing in their hearts,
in that innermost hollow I stood,
a restless spectator of their total love,
incapable of repaying
the wealth of devotion
of my most beloveds.

In the most famous and also infamous (4)
state of Godhood of being self-satisfied,
no one could fathom why I cried,
why my heart sighed,
breathless from feeling separation,
dragged and dependent on
their selfless adoration.

I smiled anew
to soothe their hearts,
and hiding my anguish,
asked for forgiveness.
They offered their fragrant ghee of love, (5)
and the dense honey
of sulkiness,
thus plundering my love,
so that I, delighted, sold myself. (6)

Transcribed below is a salient quote from Prabhupada's lecture in the video just below:

"I, you, everyone of us, we have the trouble at the time of death and at the time of birth, birth and death. We are living entity, we are living soul. Birth and death take place of this body. The body takes birth and the body is vanquished. Death means sleeping for seven months, that’s all. That is death.
The soul is when this body is unfit for living, the soul gives up this body and, by superior arrangement, the soul is put again into the womb of a particular type of mother and the soul develops a particular type of body[.…] So, it is a great science: How the soul, the living soul, is in contact with this material body and how he’s transmigrating from one body to another. The example is given just like: We are just like when the garment or shirt or coat becomes too old, we give it up and we accept another shirt or coat. Similarly, I, you, every one of us, we are spirit-soul. We are given a type of body and shirt and coat by the arrangement of material nature. That particular body is given to us for our particular type of standard of living. Just like you: European, American, Australian… You have got a particular type, and you are given an opportunity, a particular standard of living.... So if an Indian comes [to your city--Melbourne, Australia--in this case], they will be surprised by this standard of living [....] 
'I am suffering! Why you have to accept birth? Why you have to accept death? Why you have to accept disease? Why you have to accept old age?' These are the problems. There are the problems and these problems can be solved in human form of life--not in the life of cats and dogs. They cannot. So our only request is that you make your life successful, come to the real understanding of your existence, and this is possible simply by chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare


This last video may produce an impression, a disclaimer for sensitive viewers. It is of Prabhupada preparing to depart, as devotees chant and give love.

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